Planning Documentation

Please refer to Section 5 of this website for the accompanying Policies and Guidance related to the planning documents listed below.

A – E

Subject Document title Content
Aberdeenshire Framework for Pupils with Significant and Complex Needs

Annual Bundles Year 1-3

Early Level Planners Incorporating Benchmarks:

Early Level Planners Incorporating Milestones:

Early Level Planners Incorporating Milestones and Benchmarks:

Planning Templates

Skills Framework

Resources to plan, assess and evaluate the learning of pupils with significant and complex needs
Administration of Medicines / Healthcare Needs

Med form 1 – Request for School Staff to Administer Medication

Med Form 2 – Record of Medication Administered

Med Form 2a – Record of Medication Administered (Controlled Drugs)

Med Form 3 – Request for Pupil to Carry and or Administer their own medication

Med Form 4a – Staff Training Record

Med Form 4b – Staff Training record to Inform of Required Training

Med Form 5 – Emergency Planning

Med Form 6 – Risk Assessment Template

Med Form 6 – Exemplar Generic Risk Assessment

Appendix 1 – Auditing Form for the Safe Storage of Medication

(Related to Supporting children and young people with healthcare needs and managing medicines in educational establishments guidance)

Authority healthcare and medical forms for completion to support children and young people in schools
Co-ordinated Support Plans

CSP Book 3 Writing a CSP

(Related to CSP Guidance)

Documentation including proformas and letters for gathering information and drafting/closing a CSP

CSP Briefing Paper – Education

Proforma 1 for Agencies

Proforma 2 for Parents/Carers

Proforma 3 for Child/young person

Information Checklist

Blank CSP
Documentation to support CSP process

F – J

Subject Document title Content
Horse Riding (RDA)

Horse Riding (RDA) checklist

(Related to Horse Riding RDA Guidance)

Checklist for completion and emailing to the Aberdeenshire local representative for the RDA group for whom there is a request for a place.
Horse Riding RDA application form is available to download from the RDA website Form required by RDA organisation
Individualised Educational Programme

Appendix 2 Information Gathering – Pupil’s Views

Appendix 2 Information Gathering – Pupil’s Views 2

Appendix 2 Information Gathering- Parent Carer Views

Appendix 2 Information Gathering- Additional Support Overview Document

Appendix 2 Information Gathering- Pupil’s Educational and Wellbeing Development

Information sheets to support the drafting of an IEP

Blank Template of an Individualised Educational Programme (IEP)

(Related IEP Guidance)

The IEP pro forma for completion to plan learning for an individual when required
Intervention and Prevention Teachers

Appendix 1 – IPT Checklist for Induction

Appendix 2 – IPT Referral Form

Checklist and Referral Form to be used along side the guidance for Intervention and Prevention Teachers on the Policies and Guidance page of the website.

K – O

Subject Document title Content
Learning Pathways Plus Learning Pathway Plus Application Form Application forms for new Learning Pathway Plus and for Continuation of Learning Pathway Plus
Continuation of Learning Pathway Plus Application Form Applications are made to the Principal Educational Psychologist via
Moving and Handling

Appendix 1: Form to Request Relief Moving and Handling Trainer

Appendix 2: Moving and Handling Plan (Template)

Appendix 3: Moving and Handling Risk Assessment (Template)

Appendix 4: Moving and Handling Risk Audit (Template)

Documentation and forms related to Moving and Handling Procedures 
Nature Nurture

Appendix 1: Induction Checklist

Appendix 2: Referral Form

Appendix 3: Information for Parents and Carers

Appendix 4: Privacy Notice for Photographs

Appendix 5: Session Feedback Form

Appendix 6: Training Calendar for Nature Nurture Course

Appendix 7: Resource List

Appendix 8: Pupil Behaviour Support Plan and Risk Assessment

Appendix 9: Blank Risk Assessment

Appendix 10: Pupil Feedback Form

Appendix 11: Parent Feedback Form

Appendix 12 Nature Nurture Cluster Allocation

Appendix 13: Local Ranger Services

Appendix 14: Fire Booklet

Appendix 15: Nature Nurture Programme Assessment

Documentation and forms associated with Nurture Nature

P – T

Subject  Document title Content
Planning for a Pupil with ASN, PEEP and Risk Assessment Guidance November 2023

Checklist to Support Pupils with ASN

Staff Training Record

Individual Staff Training Record

PEEP Template

Blank Risk Assessment

Pupil Risk Audit

Templates for Education staff to use to support the specific needs of pupils including for evacuation purposes in the event of an emergency
Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment Template to detail risks and how these may be mitigated.  This template may be adapted for use for pupil behaviour, physical risks, excursions or medical risks.
Special Dietary Requirements

Special Dietary Requirement Forms

(Related to Supporting Children with Special Dietary Requirements Guidance

This pro forma is also in Admission form D.
Transport of Children/Young people with Additional Support Needs

Transport Risk Assessment

To be completed by school staff to mitigate risks during transportation

U – Z

Subject  Document title Content