Policies, Guidance and Strategies
Please refer to Part 4: Planning documentation for the Word versions of forms attached to the guidance documents below.
Draft guidance documents will be finalised shortly, therefore it is best to download the document as required directly from this website to ensure that you have the most current version.
All CLPL is now sourced through the ALDO website for training and online learning. Whilst the courses may change over time, this document gives an illustration of the CLPL that may be available. If you require training that is not listed, please contact the ASN Team at Woodhill House to discuss.
A – E
Subject | Document title | Content | Continuous Life Long Professional Learning |
Aberdeenshire Framework for Pupils with Significant and Complex Needs |
Aberdeenshire Framework for Pupils with Significant and Complex Needs Trackers Aberdeenshire Tracker of Early Level Incorporating Milestones and Benchmarks |
Guidance, Progression Framework, and resources to support the Curriculum for children with significant and complex needs | Please refer to Complex Needs Provision, Principal Teachers Additional Support for Learning and the Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team for any training needs |
Absence due to prolonged ill health | Guidance on Education for Children and Young People Unable to Attend School Due to Prolonged Ill Health | Guidance on responsibilities, processes, support and legislation, including useful resources | Quality Improvement Offices will advise schools |
Accessibility Strategy 2022-2024 | Accessibility Strategy 2022-2024 | Aberdeenshire Strategy to support the specific needs of pupils in any Educational establishment | Please refer to Accessibility Strategy document. |
Administration of Medicines / Healthcare Needs | Supporting Children Managing Medicines Educational Establishments | The Aberdeenshire guidance containing information to support healthcare and medical needs of pupils in any educational establishment | Training is provided by NHS Grampian specialist nurses for procedures such as administration of buccal midazolam, adrenaline (via Epipen), insulin, use of asthma inhalers etc. |
Anti-Bullying | Policy and guidance to support educational establishments on the prevention and management of bullying. | QIOs will advise schools and training is signposted in the documents. | |
Attendance |
Promoting and Managing Pupil Attendance in Educational Establishments Policy, 2022 Promoting and Managing Pupil Attendance in Secondary Schools Guidance Appendices for Secondary Schools Guidance can be found here Promoting and Managing Pupil Attendance in Nursery, Primary and Special Schools Guidance Appendices for Nursery, Primary and Special Schools Guidance can be found here |
The Policy and Guidance outline the procedures for Aberdeenshire educational establishments to follow when monitoring and managing pupil attendance, including the monitoring and promotion of attendance. | Quality Improvement Officers can provide support where required |
Emotionally Based School Absence, Information for Schools and Professionals Appendix 1 Profile of risk of emotional based school avoidance guidance |
Guidance which provides a framework to support planning for children and young people who experience emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) |
Educational Psychology Service can advise and support schools |
Understanding and Supporting Autistic Learners |
Understanding & Supporting Autistic Learners School Self-Evaluation Tool |
Information for supporting autistic learners, including A Professional Learning Framework and a Self Evaluation Tool for schools, and associated professional learning. |
Universal level training on Understanding and Supporting Autistic Learners (available on ALDO). Further Understanding Sensory Behaviours modules are also available to staff on ALDO and other materials are under development. The Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology Service provides guidance, training and research information to schools. |
Bereavement Guidance |
Information on supporting staff and pupils through a bereavement |
Quality Improvement Officers and the Educational Psychology service will advise school staff |
Blended Placements | Blended Placements Guidance | Information regarding blended placements | Quality Improvement Officers will advise schools |
Care Experienced Children & Young People | A Guide for Parents, Carers and Schools working with Children who are Care Experienced | Information to support understanding of life experiences and attachment / attachment difficulties and the impact on children’s behaviours. Includes suggestions, hints and tips for creating a strong school and family partnership | Educational Psychology Service can support with training |
Child’s Voice | My Voice Questionnaire |
Information and links to a symbols supported questionnaire designed to capture the voice of the child in line with requirements under GIRFEC |
Connection to the resource is available through the ASN Team |
Co-ordinated Support Plans | Co-ordinated Support Plan Book 1 Overview | Information about co-ordinated support plans including the criteria, timelines and letters / CSP checklists and proformas etc. | Co-ordinated support plan training is organised annually by Aberdeenshire Council to include NHS Grampian staff and Aberdeenshire Social Work teams. Enrolment is through ALDO |
Co-ordinated Support Plan Book 3 Writing a CSP | |||
Complex Needs Provision |
Complex Needs Provision for Pupils with Significant and Complex Needs Guidance Pupil Support Worker (Complex Needs) Practice Guidance Pupil Support Worker (Complex Needs) Induction Checklist
Information on Complex Needs Provision placements and outreach support |
Please refer to ALDO or contact the Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team |
Enhanced Provision | Information on Enhanced Provision Support with Primary Schools and Outreach support | Please refer to ALDO or contact the Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team | |
Enhanced Provision Outreach (Primary) |
Enhanced Provision Outreach Practitioner Practice Guidance Enhanced Provision Outreach Practitioner Induction checklists |
Exclusion |
Promoting Inclusion and Reducing Exclusions in Educational Establishments Policy, 2022 Promoting Inclusion and Reducing Exclusions in Educational Establishments Guidance 2022 |
The Policy and Guidance outline the procedures for Aberdeenshire educational establishments to follow to reduce the need for exclusion through the promotion of inclusion. The guidance defines clear protocols that schools must follow when considering, initiating and managing all aspects of the exclusion process. | Quality Improvement Officers can provide support where required |
Exiting/Running Behaviour (Reducing CYP need to leave the premises) |
Guidance for schools considering the underlying issues giving rise to exiting/running behaviour and how to reduce this. |
F – J
Subject | Document title | Content | Continuous Life Long Professional Learning |
Flexi-School Guidance |
Guidance to support Head Teachers when there is a request for a flexi-schooling arrangement | Please seek further guidance from your Quality Improvement Officer | |
Support Learners from Gypsy/Traveller Communities | Support Learners from Gypsy/Traveller Communities | Guidance and resources to support Gypsy/Traveller Communities | Advice can be sought via Education Support Officers and the Gypsy Traveller Liaison Officer |
Intimate Personal Care |
Intimate Personal Care Guidance for Schools, Parents, Children and Young People
Roles and responsibilities, partnership and collaboration, training, best practice and general procedures |
Depending upon the nature of the care training is provided by NHS Grampian specialist nurses in procedures such as gastrostomy and catheterisation. Parents may also advise staff with simple procedures such as washing, dressing and toileting to ensure the child’s wishes are taken into account. |
Literacy / Dyslexia | Information for supporting children with literacy needs including dyslexia. Includes school and classroom audit tools. |
Aberdeenshire Education and Children’s Services policy development in the field of Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulty has been advised by examples of good practice in Aberdeenshire schools, research undertaken by the Educational Psychology Service along with national guidance such as the “Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit” and “Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland”. Opportunities for training are also offered through ALDO and at a local level by school champions |
Improved Disabled Access (IDA) | Improved Disabled Access (IDA) Application Form | ||
Inclusion in Aberdeenshire Schools |
Our Universal Offer to Children and Young People Parent Leaflet |
Individualised Educational Programmes | Guidance for information gathering and writing of individualised educational programmes | IEP training is supported by Educational Psychology Service and the Inclusion Equity and Wellbeing Team | |
Insurance cover and PVG for private therapists |
Insurance Cover and Protection of Vulnerable Groups
Information for head teachers/ SMT to consider in the event of a private therapist accessing a pupil in school. There is a need to ensure that the therapist has adequate insurance cover and is PVG checked. This does not apply to therapists from NHS Grampian as partner providers are insured/PVG checked. |
K – O
Subject | Document title | Content | Continuous Life Long Professional Learning |
Learning Pathways Plus |
Learning Pathways Plus Guidance |
Criteria and information for consideration of a learning pathway plus for pupils with multi agency involvement at stage 3+ level of intervention when all other interventions have been exhausted and there is a significant risk of the child or young person being placed in an out-of-authority school, out with their home community. Application forms for new Learning Pathway Plus and for Continuation of Learning Pathway Plus |
Advice is available through the Quality Improvement Officer for the school. Applications are made to the Principal Educational Psychologist via learningpathwaysplus@aberdeenshire.gov.uk |
Local ASN Forum |
Guidance in relation to the roles and responsibilities of Local ASN Forums within Aberdeenshire | Support can be sought from the Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team | |
Management of Additional Support for Learning Teachers and Pupil Support Assistants | Local Management Group Guidelines | Guidance on the working of the Local Management Group with regards to staffing and budget allocation within clusters. | Quality Improvement Officers will advise schools |
Additional Support Needs Mediation |
Aberdeenshire SACRO – ASN Mediation Leaflet |
Information on Additional Support Needs Mediation and how to request this. |
ASN mediation may be accessed through a request to the Head Teacher of the school attended by the child or young person or to the school’s Quality Improvement Officer. A request can also be made to the local authority by directly contacting the Principal Educational Psychologist / Service Manager (Inclusion, Equity & Wellbeing) via ecs.asnadmin@aberdeenshire.gov.uk. |
Motor Skills | Working Together to Support Motor Skills | supporting children with motor skills development, includes resources and referrals for specialist assessment and support. | Support may be offered by the Occupational Therapy Service for individual needs. |
Moving and Handling | Legislation, definitions, responsibilities, risk assessments, planning documents, training and general information | Training is provided by Aberdeenshire Council Moving and Handling Trainers. Enrolment is through ALDO | |
Nature Nurture Practitioner Guidance | Information on the Nature Nurture Practitioner Role | Inclusion Equality and Wellbeing Team | |
Non Engagement During School Closures |
Head Teacher Guidance for Non Engagement During School Closures Head Teacher Guidance for Non Engagement During School Closures (Secondary Schools) |
Guidance for Head Teachers to support a child or young person who is not engaging on online learning during school closures, and the parent or carer remains difficult to contact despite numerous and repeated efforts by school staff | Further advice can be sought from Quality Improvement Officer |
One Good Adult |
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) resource to raise awareness about what all adults can do to meet mental health and wellbeing needs of the children in their care. |
P – T
Document title | Content | Continuous Life Long Professional Learning | |
Part timetables | Pupils not in Full Time Education: Use of Part Timetables Guidance | Legislation, best practice, alternative provision, school and parent/carer responsibilities, Seemis recording | Quality Improvement Officers advise on the use of part-timetables. |
Planning for a Pupil with ASN, PEEP and Risk Assessment Guidance |
Planning for a Pupil with ASN, PEEP and Risk Assessment Guidance November 2023 | Guidance to support Education staff in preparing for a child with ASN. The Guidance also offers advice on the completion of a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans and Risk Assessments | Advice can be sought from QIOs and the Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team |
Private Practitioners in Schools | Private Practitioners in Schools – Guidance for Schools |
Guidance for schools when a parent/carer requests that a school accommodates a private practitioner to carry out targeted assessment or intervention work with their child during school hours. |
Pupil Support Assistant’s Guidance | Pupil Support Assistants (PSA) Guidance | Information on working practices, roles and responsibilities | Training available through ALDO |
Pupil Wellbeing Worker (Secondary) | |||
Racism | Promoting Race Equality and Anti-racist Education |
Information from the Scottish Government to promote race equality |
Quality Improvement Officers will be able to advise |
Reflective Toolkit for Enhanced Provision Centres | Reflective Toolkit for EPC | Guidance and Toolkit with questions | Please refer to the Educational Psychology Service |
Relationships, Learning and Behaviour |
Relationships Learning and Behaviour Interim Policy Relationships Learning and Behaviour Interim Guidance
Interim guidance on promoting a culture and ethos whereby everyone feels included, respected, safe and secure and where their achievements and contributions are valued and celebrated. It includes guidance on the use of physical intervention, including seclusion, as a last resort. |
Training available through ALDO. Educational Psychology Service can support with training. |
Repeating a Year Guidance | Repeating a Year Guidance | Information for Head Teachers on how to respond to Parental requests for their child to repeat a school year | Quality Improvement Officers and the Educational Psychology service will advise |
Review Meetings | Guidance for Review Meetings for Children or Young People With Additional Support Needs | Guidance on the process including notification, invitation, recording and reporting | Quality Improvement Officers may advise schools. |
Selective Mutism | Selective Mutism Practice Guidelines | Information to support teachers and parents to meet the needs of children with selective mutism. | The Educational Psychology Service can provide further information and support for staff working with children with selective mutism |
Special Dietary Requirements | Supporting Children with Special Dietary Requirements | Guidance on the procedure for managing special dietary requirements in educational establishments. Dietary requirements may be a result of additional support needs such as ASD, food allergies/intolerance, religious/cultural requirements and/or medical needs. | Advice may be sought via the schools catering service. |
SQA Alternative Assessment Arrangements | SQA Alternative Assessment Arrangements – Guidance for Aberdeenshire | Identification and provision for pupils with Additional Support Needs including EAL | Follow links to the SQA website and / or consult with the EAL service |
Staged Assessment and Intervention Process | Aberdeenshire Staged Assessment and Intervention Process |
Details for schools of Universal Stage 0, Targeted Stage 1, Enhanced Targeted Stage 2 & Intensive Targeted Stage 3 of the Staged Assessment and Intervention Process |
Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing Team |
Substance Use |
Guidance for School Staff to support Children and Young People |
Quality Improvement Officers and the Inclusion Equity and Wellbeing Team will advise |
Supporting Transgender Young People in Schools | National Guidance on supporting transgender young people in schools | Quality Improvement Officers and Educational Psychology service will advise. | |
Swimming | Swimming for Young People with Additional Support Needs | Guidance to schools/parents regarding access to swimming for children with additional support needs as part of a flexible curriculum. | Quality Improvement Officers advise schools |
Transport of children/young people with Additional Support Needs |
The Safe Transport of Children and Young People – Guidance for Schools and Escorts |
Information about the safe transport of children and young people with additional support needs to and from school. Responsibilities of escorts, parents and schools are detailed. |
Advice and training can be sought via Education Support Officers, the Pupil Transport Unit and the Passenger Assistant Training Scheme Other training such as child protection is available through ALDO |
The Safe Transport of Children and Young People – Guidance for Parents and Carers
Total Communication | Total Communication Policy | The Aberdeenshire policy supporting the use of all forms of communication in schools, highlighting the child’s right to communication and including an audit tool for the classroom. | Training is available through ALDO. NHS Grampian offer face-to-face training through a variety of courses, and along with Aberdeenshire council provide online training for staff at different levels of intervention. |
U – Z
Subject | Document title | Content | Continuous Life Long Professional Learning |
School Response to Incidents Involving Offensive Weapons | School Response to Incidents Involving Offensive Weapons | Guidance for School to follow relating to incidents involving offensive weapons | Quality Improvement Officers will advise |