Child Protection in Education
Every child or young person has the “right to be protected from all forms of harm and abuse”. National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021 – updated 2023
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment and may involve inflicting harm or failing to act to prevent harm.
Child protection is the responsibility of all who work with children and families regardless of whether they come into direct contact with children or not. Education practitioners and all schools and Early Learning and Childcare setting staff, play a crucial role in the support and protection of children as well as the development of their wellbeing. The role of the Named Person in education services is key to the identification of wellbeing concerns and the assessment and planning to improve outcomes. Education staff are likely to have the greatest level of day-to-day contact with children and are well placed to observe physical and psychological changes in a child that could indicate abuse
Aberdeenshire Child Protection in Education Guidance

A range of guidance documents to support Aberdeenshire Schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings
Child Protection in Education Professional Learning Framework

Professional Learning Framework for all staff working within Aberdeenshire Schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings
Child Protection in Education Resource Document

This resource document provides links to a range of additional resources and advice and is embedded within the Child Protection in Education Professional Learning Framework.
Aberdeenshire Child Protection in Education Spotlight Briefings

A range of Child Protection spotlight briefings