Section 12 Effective Partnership (Communication)

Key to effective delivery of services to all children and young people are excellent systems which promote the flow of communication within schools and across partners to enable close monitoring of progress and concerns about learning and emotional and behaviour needs. Good schools ensure much informal communication as well as a range of (within school) meetings which vary depending on the complexity of needs in the school as well as the size of the Support team. Effective partnership which is necessary to meet the additional support needs of children and young people is greatly enhanced through effective communication systems. Aberdeenshire’s Organising and Campaigning Group (YPOC), has developed a guide for meetings designed to assist adults who support young people at meetings to benefit from meetings. Access the Guide to Meetings booklet here All partners should be clear about the nature, the purpose and frequency of meetings. Effective Integrated/Multi-Agency Support teams include all key members of the School Pupil Support team and partners, including a representative from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health team whenever possible. A key remit of the In-School and Multi-Agency team is to problem-solve how best to meet needs which have been deemed, during an Additional Support and/or Looked After Children meeting, to require support beyond that which is universal provision. This integrated team will talk strategically about partnership working and evaluate how effective this is. The team can also highlight Continuous Professional Development needs with a view to sharing ideas and practice. The range of meeting formats which are effective is exemplified.

Large Primary School

Purpose Personnel Frequency
Ensure Headteacher/ Depute is clear about progress of all pupils with additional support needs; raise concerns about other pupils and agree response. Headteacher/ Depute and Sfl teacher At least fortnightly
Ensure Pupil Support assistants are clear about tasks, resources and strategies . Sfl teacher and Pupil Support assistants Weekly
Monitor general progress and attainment of potentially all pupils and dictate new priorities for support provided by Sfl teacher and Pupils Support assistants who are re-timetabled as necessary. This meeting also identifies when an ‘establishing needs meeting’ with parents is necessary when it is felt that a pupil might benefit from the focus of an Individualised Educational Programme or some other form of support. Headteacher, relevant Class teacher, (Classroom assistant), Pupil Support assistant, SfL teacher Termly
Management and Support Staff Promote feeling of team; listen to concerns and agree future strategies; ensure Support staff feel valued and able to contribute. Senior Management team, Pupil Support assistants and Sfl teacher Termly
Multi-Agency Meeting Monitor the progress of key children on current caseload and address needs of (new) children causing concern; agree strategies, roles and responsibilities; ensure ‘total’ needs of children and young people are met. Headteacher, Depute/ s, Support for Learning teacher, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Social worker, relevant others and representative from Child & Adolescent Mental Health team  Termly
Pupil Review Meetings/GIRFEC Consider additional support needs; review progress of child with additional support needs; further develop Individualised Educational Programme; where appropriate discuss need for and action a Co-ordinated Support Plan; where child is looked after, pay attention to progress within care and education plan and update.Access further information on additional needs meetings at this link. Transition Meetings Clarify needs for transition; ensure clarity of information about needs and next placement, including accessibility, range of support and resources required; agree options and plan programme of transition, including visits, with parents as key partners. Access further information about effective transition meetings at this link.  Headteacher/ Depute, SfL teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, parents and relevant others, including an advocate for Looked After Children and the childHeadteacher/ Depute, SfL teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, parents and relevant others, including advocate for Looked After Child and representatives of the receiving agency/ service / school Multi-agency meetings as required LAC meetings twice per year/ as needed In line with legislation

Small Primary School

Purpose Personnel Frequency
Regularly monitor needs across school; ensure Pupil Support assistant feels supported and is targeting greatest need. Headteacher / Principal teacher and SfL teacher with Pupil Support assistant/s in attendance during some or part of meetings Monthly
Review current and potential caseload of Speech & Language Therapist or other Therapist/s and benefit from specialist advice and support from therapist/s and Educational Psychologist. Headteacher, SfL teacher, Speech & Language Therapist / other therapist and Educational Psychologist This meeting can involve relevant specialist practitioners to reflect the school’s needs Termly
Multi-Agency Meeting Monitor the progress of key children on current caseload and address needs of (new) children causing concern; agree strategies, roles and responsibilities; ensure ‘total’ needs of children and young people are met. Headteacher, Principal teacher, SfL teacher, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Social worker, and relevant others and representative from Child & Adolescent Mental Health team Termly
Pupil Review Meeting/GIRFEC/Looked After Child Meetings Additional Needs/Looked After Child meetings to review progress of child with additional support needs; further develop individualised Educational Programme, where appropriate discuss need for and action a Coordinated Support Plan; where child is looked after, pay attention to progress within care plan and update.  Access further information on additional needs meetings at this link. Transition Meetings Clarify needs for transition; ensure clarity of information about needs and next placement, including accessibility, range of support and resources required; agree options and plan programme of transition, including visits, with parents as key partners. Access further information about effective transition meetings at this link. Headteacher /Depute, Sfl teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, parents and relevant others, including an advocate for Looked After Children and the childHeadteacher /Depute, Sfl teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, parents and the child and relevant others, including advocate for Looked After Child and representative/s of the receiving agency/service/school Multi-agency meetings as required LAC meetings twice per year/ as needed In line with legislation

Primary School with Enhanced Provision

Purpose Personnel Frequency
Monitor progress of pupils with additional support needs and (re-) prioritise needs and support. Headteacher/Depute and Sfl teacher At least fortnightly
Monitor the school’s tracking system to inform the next steps within Individual Education Plans or other planning approaches. Monitor the effectiveness of each pupil’s support which is often planned in blocks of time; for pupils in specialist provision, plan inclusive opportunities and experiences. Track progress of pupils supported by the Pupil Support assistant who reinforces the work of the Speech & Language Therapist and other specialists. Headteacher, Deputes, SfL teacher Fortnightly
Multi-Agency Meeting
Monitor the progress of key children on current caseload and address needs of (new) children causing concern; agree strategies, roles and responsibilities; ensure ‘total’ needs of children and young people are met.
Headteacher, Depute/s, Sfl teacher, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Social worker, relevant others and representative from Child & Adolescent Mental Health team Termly
Meetings of Specialists
Examples include: Consideration of information from the Occupational Therapist as a result of the motor difficulties screening assessment to support children with movement and related needs. Discussion with teacher of English as an Additional Language who identifies specific language needs and supports the school with strategies. Consultation with the Gypsy Traveller Liaison officer who provides valuable support for families of travelling children and advises the school in all matters. Discussion with Speech & Language Therapist about how best to develop specialist programmes of support for individual or groups of children.
Meetings of relevant members of the Support team with external ‘specialist’ support such as Therapists, Educational Psychologist, Peripatetic teachers As needed
Pupil Review Meetings/GIRFEC
Consider additional support needs; review progress of child with additional support needs; further develop Individualised Educational Programme, where appropriate discuss need for and action a Co ordinated Support Plan; where the child is looked after, pay attention to progress within care plan and update. Access further information on additional needs meetings at this link.
Headteacher/Depute, Sfl teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, parents and relevant others, including an advocate for Looked After Children and the child Annually for Additional Support meetings (or more if needed) LAC meetings twice per year/ as needed
Transition Meetings Clarify needs for transition; ensure clarity of information about needs and next placement, including accessibility, equipment and property adaptation, range of support and resources required; agree options and plan programme of transition, including visits, with parents as key partners. Access further information about effective transition meetings at this link. Headteacher/ Depute, Sfl teacher, Pupil Support assistant, Class teacher, Therapists, Social worker, Parents and relevant others, including advocate for looked after child and representative/s of the receiving agency/service/school In line with legislation

Special School Provision

Purpose Personnel Frequency
Quality Assurance
Regularly monitor planning, achievement and progress/ attainment of all pupils. Monitor tracking to inform next steps. Feedback on learning and teaching.
Headteacher/ Deputes Class teachers / Pupil Support assistants Headteacher, Deputes Relevant member of School Management Team, Class teachers Ongoing – Formal meetings 2x termly Daily Termly 2x termly
Multi-Agency Meeting
Liaise with Therapists re whole school profiling, eg communication. Discussion of integrated assessments. Liaise with Therapists re assessment, tasks, resources and learning and teaching strategies.
Headteacher/ Deputes Headteacher/ Deputes, Class teachers, parents Headteacher/ Deputes, Class teachers Annually   As Needed   2x termly  
Pupil Review Meeting/GIRFEC/Co-ordinated Support Plan Meeting Review progress of young person; discussion of needs and support required; drafting of/ reviewing CSP where appropriate.   Transition Meeting Clarify needs for transition; discuss options with parents/ carers; liaise with relevant personnel from next placement; plan programme of transition with relevant others along with parents/ carers. Access further information about effective transition meetings at this link. Headteacher/ Deputes, Class teachers, Educational Psychologist, relevant Therapists, Social worker, Adult services, local college, Skills Development ScotlandHeadteacher/ Deputes, Class teacher, Educational Psychologist, relevant Therapists, Social worker, relevant personnel from receiving agency Annual Meetings or more if required       In line with legislation
IEP Meetings Discuss and set appropriate targets. Appropriate member of School Management Team, Class teacher, parents/ carers/ relevant Therapists/ Nursery nurses  Termly
Class Team Meetings Discuss daily progress, monitor targets, strategies etc. Class teacher, Pupil Support assistants / Nursery nurses  45 minutes weekly

Secondary School

Purpose Personnel Frequency
Pupil Support (Support for Learning) Meeting Review caseload pupils, concerns, progress, development work/curricular development. Timetable issues/diary. Principal Teacher, Support for Learning and Support teachers, Depute Support 3 times per term (outwith school day)
Pupil Support Assistant Meeting Share information on caseload pupils; review Individualised Educational Programme targets, feedback on concerns and progress. Share Guidance practice. Continuous Professional Development sessions as appropriate. Timetable issues/diary. Principal Teacher Support for Learning and team of Support assistants Weekly (before start of day)
Pupil Support (Guidance) Meeting Operational matters; focus on support for pupils in pastoral curricular and vocational aspects; promotes consistency and communication problem solving. Principal Teacher Pupil Support (Guidance), Teachers of Support, Depute Support, other members of Senior Management Team as appropriate Weekly (timetabled)
Pupil Support (Behaviour) Meeting Operational meeting; manages referrals to Support for Behaviour – short term withdrawal, Youth Achievement Award, Dynamic Youth Award, anger management programmes etc. Principal Teacher Pupil Support (Support for Learning), Pupil Support teacher (Behaviour), Depute Support. Weekly
In-House Integrated Team Discuss and plan for additional support for children with significant additional needs using school Support staff; review progress and destinations; agree priorities, track pupil progress. ‘Gate-keep’ for referral to full Integrated Team. Depute Support, Guidance, Support for Learning/ Behaviour Support, Community Link Monthly
Full Integrated Team Meeting Discuss and plan for additional support for children with significant level of need; review progress; agree priorities; ‘Gate keep’ for referral to Attendance Sub-Committee, Reporter, Senior Integrated Team, Social Work etc; also provide support for key workers from peer professionaIs. Depute Support, Pupil Support (Guidance and Support for Learning and Behaviour), Education Social worker, Social worker, Health, Police, Community Link Monthly
Professional Networking Meetings Detailed planning of support packages; shared assessment of individual’s need; review of progress; clarification of targets and worker responsibilities. Key workers from school staff and other partner agencies As Needed
Full Pupil Support Team Meeting Strategic meeting to consider aspects of Improvement Plan and improve quality of support; review progress of working groups; CPD and sharing of good practice; strengthens integrated working. Depute Support, Pupil Support (Guidance Support for Learning including Behaviour), Outdoor Education and Community Link workers, Senior Management Team when appropriate Termly (twilight)
Pupil Support (Outdoor/Community Link) Meeting Manage referrals from Pupil Support (Guidance/ Support for Learning/Behaviour); agree work priorities; review progress; quality assurance; plan for interventions/ personalised programmes for young people and families. Depute Support, Outdoor Education staff, Community Link workers Monthly
Integrated Additional Support /Looked After Child Meetings Consider additional support needs; review progress of child with additional support needs; further develop Individualised Educational Programme, where appropriate discuss the need for and action a Co-ordinated Support Plan; where the child is looked after, pay attention to progress within their care plan, alongside their educational plan which in best practice is integrated. Access further information on additional needs meetings at this link. Transition Meetings Clarify needs for transition; ensure clarity of information about needs and next placement, including accessibility, range of support and resources required; agree options and plan programme of transition, including visits, with parents as key partners. Access further information about effective transition meetings at this link. Depute Support, Pupil Support (Support for Learning, Guidance), parents, Social worker, pupil and other appropriate professionals such as Educational Psychologist, Health, Skills Development Scotland officer, and College staff including an advocate for Looked After Children and the child       Depute Support, Support for Learning, Guidance, parents, pupil and other appropriate professionals such as Educational Psychologist, Health, Careers officer, Social Work, College Annually for Additional Support meetings (or more if needed) LAC meetings twice per year/ as needed In line with legislation 6 / 3 Months 12 / 6 Months

Prompts for Reflection

How well do the school and its partners ensure effective communication? How well do the school and its partners ensure effective communication?
Best Practice What is the Impact?
A range of purposeful and relevant meetings facilitate communication within and beyond the school. All partners are clear about the purpose of each meeting and feel their contribution is valued. All partners believe the agenda for each meeting allows effective discussion about the needs of the child from their own perspective. Tasks highlighted at meetings are undertaken within expected timescales by each partner. All partners are committed to listening to parents and the child, and respond appropriately to their views. All partners understand the benefits of integrated working in terms of improving positive outcomes for children (QI 1.3, 2.7, 3.1) There is growing credibility and respect for each partner across the team (QI 1.4, 2.7) Effective partnership practice means that the needs of all children and young people are effectively met (QI 2.4, 2.5, 3.1) Parents believe the team of professionals work well to meet the needs of their child (QI 2.7)  
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