13. Partnership with Professionals in Line with GIRFEC

Very many of the school’s children and young people have significant health needs. Highly effective partnership with all health professionals is an essential element to ensure children’s health needs are met. Ongoing discussions and mutual respect have resulted in increased support from the school nurse, good links with the CAMHS and excellent links with all therapists who make a huge and important contribution to teachers’ understanding of children’s needs. Their input to IEPs is also essential. The school’s effective partnership working is in line with the Scottish Government document ‘Guidance on partnership working between allied professionals and education 2010 and takes account of the ‘My World Triangle’ shown in the link at the heading. The document says: “If partnership working is valued and valid then there has to be an identifiable outcome for young people which is more than that which would be gained by services being provided separately. This may be described as collaborative advantage.”   It is safe to say that the school is constantly seeking this collaborative advantage. The ongoing development of CfE has provided an opportunity to formalise existing good practice in relation to the development of the communication skills of children and young people.
Prompt for Reflection How well do you work with other professionals?
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